Просмотр полной версии : I do not know to what doctor here to address, direct please to necessary. For...

01.08.2004, 01:16
I do not know to what doctor here to address, direct please to necessary. For last 5 months to me cut out an appendicitis, I have had been ill with kidneys, in me in them have found out salt and to me have punched a nose, t. To. There was a genyantritis. I very long time unimportantly feel myself, there are no forces, and nchinaet to hand over the mentality, it will seems never that's all right. One year ago, I nearby a floor of year accepted Elenium, chaotically when felt that I am nervous and often accepted to fall asleep, t. To. With a dream of a problem. But since summer any more I do not accept. I smoke, very much. It seems, that I am in a status of constant stress. Prompt as to get out of this situation. It is very tired.

01.08.2004, 10:07
Evgenie, at you is not present an occasion for trouble. Cut out an appendicitis, complications, I hope, has not arisen, salt in pochkah-needs to keep saltless or electrolyte-deficient, a sparing diet a diet, not pereohlazhdatsja-all should be normalized. And on gajmorovy sinuses will be protivosila. You understand, that all these illnesses or diseases are not lethal and it is not necessary to go in cycles in them. Believe, it at all an occasion to drink Elenium, moreover it is uncontrolled. I so have understood, that constant stress at you only iz-for illnesses or diseases. Mine to you sovet-go in for sports, for the beginning even morning gimnastikoj-an alternating douche, and for the night warm douche, tea with honey. Search for positive emotions in all!!