Просмотр полной версии : Hello! At me two months derzhitsja 37, 2 handed over the analysis...

26.07.2004, 15:43
Hello! At me two months derzhitsja 37, 2 handed over analyses all have appeared good. But the head has started to hurt or be ill;be sick and to drop out hair. And recently has handed over analyses on a blood on 3, 4, TTG, A/T,
3-2, 4
TTG-13, 5
What does it mean and whether dangerously it for health and a life.
Zarannee to you it is grateful for the answer. Mine e-mail: monday@2atrus. ru

The family doctor
28.07.2004, 05:17
Hello! TTG-a thyritropic hormone of a pituitary body, T-with nomerkami-hormones of a thyroid gland. TTG at you within the limits of norm or rate. 3 4 in my directory privdeny in other units, at once I can not check up. If are raised or increased - function of a thyroid gland is raised or increased, thus there is a rise in temperature. In general the question concerns to the competence of the endocrinologist.