Просмотр полной версии : Hello! At me within several days raised or increased arterial davl...

21.07.2004, 16:51
Hello! At me within several days the raised or increased arterial pressure 150 on 110. I constantly accept a preparation monopril and he always helped or assisted me and now I accept this preparation and more Triampur compositum but pressure does not decrease besides have felt a numbness of the right brush. Prompt please that to me to do or make and whether the preparation fozid can help or assist me. Thanks

24.07.2004, 07:52
mozhet k vrachu ochno obratitsa? poka ne onemelo vse telo?!

The anonym
26.07.2004, 10:15
At you a hypertonic syndrome. Urgently address to the doctor.

Zholudev A.A.
28.07.2004, 03:32
It is necessary for you to address necessarily to the attending physician and to modify therapy. Besides keep measures which advantage or benefit is proved
1. Refusal of smoking. Refusal of smoking is one of the most significant changes of a way of life by way of prevention as serdechno-vascular, and diseases of other organs.
2. Depression of superfluous mass of a body. It is recommended especially to faces with an abdominal obesity. Depression of mass of a body renders beneficial effect on assotsiirovannye risk factors, including insulinorenzistentnost, Diabetum, a lipidemia, a hypertrophy of a left ventricle. Depression of a level of pressure at depression of mass of a body can be usilenno due to simultaneous augmentation of an exercise stress, decrease of consumption of alcohol, table salt. Loss of superfluous 5 kg reduces a systolic BP on 5, 4 mm Hg, and diastolic on 2, 4 mm Hg
3. Restriction of consumption of sodium up to 2 g/day, t. e. Up to 5 gram of table salt a day. Patients with superfluous mass of a body and older persons are most sensitive to decrease of consumption of table salt. Selective controllable researches have shown, that depression of the use of salt with 10 g up to 4, 5 g/day the level of systolic pressure on 4 6 mm Hg At older persons reduces depression the use salt up to 2 g in day it is not accompanied by the undesirable phenomena and leads to essential decrease of need or requirement for medicamental treatment, raises or increases efficiency of inhibitors APF and diuretics. In a teaspoon contains 5 g table salt. Faces with AG usually consume more salts (owing to depression of gustatory sensitivity to her). At definition of quantity or amount of salt in products it is recommended to use special tables, instead of to be limited to the general or common references (type do not add some salt to nutrition ). It is not enough table salt in products of a phytogenesis (fruit, vegetables, groats or croups), milk, cottage cheese, svezhezamorozhennoj a fish, meat. In its or her ready gastronomic products it is much more (in sausage in 10 15 times more, than in fresh meat), as well as in bread of a standard batch. Not enough table salt is contained with special dietary products. Are more sensitive to restriction of salt in nutrition of the face with solchuvstvitelnoj AG. To these faces to recommend not only restriction of consumption of table salt, but also a liquid up to 1, 2 1, 5 litres. Use of Sanasolum on 1, 5 3 g in day is possible or probable.
4. Decrease of the use of alcohol. There is a linear dependence between the use of alcohol, a level of a BP and prevalence AG in a population. Besides alcohol weakens or easies effect of antihypertensive agents. To patients with AG to recommend decrease of the use of alcohol.
5. Augmentation of an isotonic exercise stress. The aerobic exercise stress on open air in not less than 30 60 minutes 3 4 times a week Is recommended. For example, walking on foot, navigation. More intensive exercise stress (run) possesses less expressed antihypertensive action. Isometric loads (a raising of gravities) can cause or call rising of a BP.
6. Complex updating a diet. Augmentation of the use of the protected carbohydrates, depression not protected and Adepses. As a whole references are similar to " gold rules diets at an atherosclerosis. It is necessary to lower the general or common caloric content of a ration (up to 1200 kkal/sut). It is desirable to accept nutrition not less often 3 4 times a day, 6 times day, last reception of peep not later than 2 3 hours up to a dream, and an interval between a breakfast and a supper no more than 10 hours are optimum.