Просмотр полной версии : Hello! The status awful, all time would be desirable to sleep, legs or foots hurt, hair...

27.07.2004, 03:08
Hello! The status awful, all time would be desirable to sleep, legs or foots hurt, hair drop out (has passed or has taken place 10 months after sorts or labors, any more I do not nurse 3 mes) the head serious is an avitaminosis? What vitamins to accept, a status AWFUL! Thanks.

27.07.2004, 11:54
Good afternoon, Belief. In your situation I recommend esjatsev to spend on drink during 2 3 m preparation Vitrum bjuti on 1 tab 2 times a day.
Legs or Foots hurt after a load / in the extremity or end of day? / if, yes buy or purchase cream TSiklo-3, Venitan gel. It is possible preobresti Cream Senserel of firm Lierak, will remove or take off gravity vnogah and improve a status of a skin.. I wish health.