Просмотр полной версии : Hello, consultation is very necessary. The matter is that I in long a coma...

23.07.2004, 18:40
Hello, consultation is very necessary. The matter is that I on long business trip in the undeveloped country also have no opportunity to address to competent doctors. The matter is that recently at me fingers of arms or hand, sometimes a part of a palm grow dumb. With what it can be connected? Even approximately, that for what nobility of the doctor to search. To me 32 years. In advance thanks.

The anonym
24.07.2004, 15:23
The neurologist

Egorov I.V.
24.07.2004, 19:23
Certainly, it is a situation more likely for the neuropathologist.

Egorov I.V.
26.07.2004, 16:29
Forgive or Excuse, M., I not absolutely still own secrets of dialogue at this conference: what is " the latent report " and how me it or him "to open"? It vo-the first. Vo-the second, I ask you, it is not necessary to make at a forum of arrivals and to do or make any hints. And v-the third, kardiorevmatolog - not absolutely the same, that the rheumatologist. Yours faithfully, I.Egorov