Просмотр полной версии : Hello the doctor, I ask your advice or council. Recently to me have performed operation on at...

25.07.2004, 03:55
Hello the doctor, I ask your advice or council. Recently to me have performed operation on excision of furuncles under mouses (vsledstvii inflammations potovyh glands). Have cleaned or removed partially purulent places, are going to to operate once again. Doctors do not give a guarantee, that after operation similar rashes will not repeat. Jacobs it is connected with hormonal disturbances. To me 20 years, operated twice. On radical measures while to go difficultly, I feeding mother, What you will advise in this case? In advance thanks

Zholudev A.A.
26.07.2004, 02:12
Dear Oksana! It is necessary for you to consult to surgeons. To leave the center of a chronic infection it is not necessary.