Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor. To me 44 years. Probably climacterium..., and probably cancer kakog...

22.07.2004, 08:24
The dear doctor. To me 44 years. Probably climacterium..., and probably cancer of any organ. Disturb: giddinesses, tussis with very neprjatnym a smell, especially in the mornings, whistling long time, thus did or made a roentgen in 3 h projections - it's OK, listened to 5 or 6 lung specialists all normalno-rhonchuses is not present, any more I do not know than it or him to treat - all is useless drank antibiotics, syrups, tablets - any rez-that, a pain in femurs, at walking, there is an endometriosis of a uterus - uzi did or made 3 months ago, there are fibroadenomas in both breasts, uzi did or made 1 one year ago. What it is necessary to do or make and to itself to address? Analyses of a blood normal, except for a rod - 7, S-reakt fiber will put., rhematoid faktor-sl. Will put., an antistreptolysin - sl. Will put., pnevmo chlamydias - 1 : 16. Onkomarkery, hormones - it's OK. ROE 8

Zholudev A.A.
25.07.2004, 21:57
For exception of a pathology of lungs make a computer tomography. In the analysis of a blood there are the changes demanding, in my opinion, consultation vracha-of the rheumatologist. Besides from your message, the impression about serious depression is made. It is necessary for you to consult with the psychotherapist.