Просмотр полной версии : At mother (80 years) after excision of a cholic bubble the status has sharply worsened...

24.07.2004, 04:06
At mother (80 years) after excision of a cholic bubble the status (m. has sharply worsened. It is not connected with operation). Insomnia, periodic abdominal pains, a constipation and, the main thing, delicacy in legs or foots that does not allow her to walk and even to go on an apartment. I understand - age. But it can be possible kak-to facilitate that its or her status.

Shirokova E.B.
24.07.2004, 17:55
Oleg! I do not know what is the time has passed or has taken place after operation, but even young men after such serious operation as a cholecystectomia are restored about half a year. After excision of a cholic bubble often develops, the so-called, postcholecystectomy syndrome, probably abdominal pain, constipations are caused by it or this, and also accompanying diseases of organs of digestion.
Your problem or task now correctly to organize its or her delivery and to not allow to lie too long. Older persons after serious illness or disease very difficultly happens to rouse. Try to force it or her to carry out easy or light;mild physical exercises laying in beds. Easy or light;mild massage of extremities, backs, a collar zone will help or assist also. On a regular basis protvetrivajte an apartment.
The food allowance should include enough of vegetables and fruit. If has passed or has taken place a few or a little;little bit time after opertsii vegetables in basic or basically to give in a boiled kind. Exclude only a radish, a garden radish, garlic, an onion, mushrooms. To limit cabbage, fresh cucumbers, apples (strengthen fermentative processes in an intestine). Bread only white, a yesterday's batch. An egg to give very cautiously (in connection with the expressed cholagogue effect can cause or call a pain). Soups not rich, on the second broth. Meat: only a low-fat beef, the chicken and the turkey without a skin and hypodermic Adeps, a fish of low-fat grades. Butter or oil, both creamy, and vegetative, should be limited also (if has passed or has taken place a few or a little;little bit time after operation). All nutrition should prepare in the boiled or baked kind. To accept nutrition 4 5 times a day gradually.
With a sleeplessness struggle by means of vegetative preparations: Tincturas Valerianae (1 ch. L. For the night), Leonurus, novo-Passitum, or make ready sedative (restful) grassy collectings.