Просмотр полной версии : Problem with eyes, it is possible or probable from cosmetics. Around of an eye reddish pripuhl...

17.07.2004, 13:57
Problem with eyes, it is possible or probable from cosmetics. Around of an eye reddish tumescences, shorohovatye to the touch. To not use cosmetics of 2 weeks, the result is not present, has passed to the second eye. Alergiej like it was not observed never. How to get rid of it or this, up to specialized hospital dolekovato.

20.07.2004, 16:29
Hello! This display of allergic reaction to cosmetics is the most obvious, than probably tumescence under eyes an attribute of disturbance of job mochevydelitelnoj system, therefore there is a necessity to the reference or manipulation to the doctor, can address and to the dermatologist. For elimination of allergic reaction we recommend you to use water nastoi camomiles and turns (to moisten a sterile gauze napkin to impose on area around of eyes for 20 30 minutes, procedure prdelyvat 2 3 times a day). We recommend to use in the further gipoallergennoj lechenoj cosmetics which is on sale exclusively in drugstores (Vichy, Ozone, Aven, Lja Rosh to the Pose, Aven, etc.).

22.07.2004, 21:58
Thanks, I shall try or taste