Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon, One month ago it was treated for a ureaplasma (a doxycycline, Nistatinum on...

21.07.2004, 21:02
Good afternoon,
One month ago it was treated for a ureaplasma (a doxycycline, Nistatinum on 2 times of 10 days, karsil 14 days on 3 times, tsikloferon v/m in day of 10 times).
Then there was a thrush as reaction to antibiotics, lechilasrastvorom soda, Unguentum Nystatini and 6 tablets of Clotrimazolum. Then were monthly. There HAS passed or there HAS taken place week and now again something like white scurf, but absolutely chut-hardly.
Tell or Say please:
1. This treatment for a ureaplasma is how much effective. Whether I have recovered.
2. What to me now to accept from a thrush?

22.07.2004, 11:10
Hello! Is adequate answer your first question your attending physician after he will spend corresponding or meeting laboratory diagnostics (smear) can only. From a thrush can unitary accept 1 capsule (150) Fljukostata.