Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! I send additional data to a question from 09.11.2004 g...

18.07.2004, 08:16
The dear doctor! I send additional data to a question from 09.11.2004 19 58. Bazofily 1, the Eosinocyte 3, Myelocytes-, Paloch. 8, the Segment 35, Lymphocytes 40, Monocytes 12, plasmas. kl. 6 : 100. Thanks.

18.07.2004, 12:36
Hello! Monocytes and plasmocytes are a little bit raised or increased. On these changes of anything certain to tell or say it is impossible (it there can be certificates of inflammatory process). It is necessary to repeat the analysis. A question: and except for the analysis of your husband something disturbs?

21.07.2004, 08:59
To a question from 18.11.2004 09 59. The doctor! In the analysis of the husband together with the raised or increased monocytes and plasmocytes, juvenile cells - 1. They in analyses have appeared with 1997. What does it mean? The doctor of a district clinic has told or said, that these cells should not be in general. The State of health does not disturb it or him. Thanks.

22.07.2004, 06:33
Hand over the clinical analysis of a blood in good laboratory. If changes will remain - go on consultation to a hematologist (isli will go, take maksimalnoei quantity or amount of analyses for the last years).