Просмотр полной версии : Hello! At me 19 week of pregnancy. At statement on the account in ZHK (n...

15.07.2004, 15:44
Hello! At me 19 week of pregnancy. At statement on the account in ZHK (on 12 week) I handed over the analysis of a blood, the level of a hemoglobin was 131, now a hemoglobin only 106!!! The Doctor speaks, that such cannot be and it is necessary peresdat the analysis. But it will be only next week. At me always (for all my 29 years) the hemoglobin did not fall below 131.. Whether there can be it a mistake or an error at carrying out of a blood analysis? Whether the hemoglobin can so to fall?
Thanks for the answer!

17.07.2004, 11:52
Good afternoon, Oksana! Please, it is not necessary so to be frightened!!! " A hemoglobin only 106!!! " It AT ALL an occasion for a panic. At pregnancy in an organism of the woman occurs or happens special reorganizations which prepare for it or her for forthcoming sorts or labors. Including it and a hemodilution (that is delution of a blood, augmentation of its or her volume zo the bill of a liquid), that often leads to depression of a hemoglobin. It is a normal course of things, and these changes pass or take place after sorts or labors. The second reason of this small depression of a hemoglobin can be following: during pregnancy deficiency of iron can be shown. To exclude this variant it is necessary to hand over the analysis on an exchange of iron, and if poditverditsja deficiency - prinimaty iron preparations (only in tablets, fields which case not in nyxes). Good sorts or labors!

19.07.2004, 08:27
Ilya, thanks for the answer! My doctor today has told or said, what is it quite normal phenomenon today and has registered tardiferon in tablets. You can advise what ferriferous food stuffs? I thank!

21.07.2004, 22:24
Oksana!. I already spoke, that to understand the reason of depression gemoglobinaju, it is necessary to analyse on an exchange of iron, differently you simply bydete to accept unnecessary tablets. I shall reveal to you secret: unnecessary tablets on advantage or benefit never go. Therefore before the beginning of reception terdiferona hand over the analysis.