Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor, to my husband of 39 years, has greater or big exercise stresses. ned...

21.07.2004, 02:13
The dear doctor, to my husband of 39 years, has greater or big exercise stresses. Recently has measured a BP - 130/100 after that such pressure fixed some times (too in the evening) in the evening. Tell or say please, it already the hypertonia and is an occasion for trouble? With what to begin treatment?
Thankful in advance for the answer.

Zholudev A.A.
21.07.2004, 06:13
To begin it is necessary from inspection. Visit or attend the cardiologist, he will appoint or nominate necessary analyses and methods of research (An. Bloods, urine, an electrocardiogram, daily monitoring of a BP, an echocardiography, US of kidneys and a thyroid gland).