Просмотр полной версии : Really the temperature 37 37, 2 in current of long time can be iz-...

15.07.2004, 14:59
Really the temperature 37 37, 2 in current of long time can be iz-for depresii.
At me she keeps 3 years. Doctors find nothing. I can recognize, that at me not all vporjadke in a life - paostojannaja depression iz-for one-way love already is a lot of years. So mine vopros-the temperature 37, 2 is not unhealthy (more disturbs nothing)

Zholudev A.A.
17.07.2004, 09:46
It is not harmful. There is such concept - a thermoneurosis. Survey a thyroid gland.

20.07.2004, 00:28
I wish to specify, at me too temperatera 37 37, 5 within 4 years. To me 24 years, all analyses in norm or rate, shitovidnaja a gland too in norm or rate. I have passed or have taken place full enough inspection and nothing was found out. Depressions at me are not present. An occasion for experience only temperature. But the reason of temperature should be? What will advise to do or make?

Zholudev A.A.
20.07.2004, 19:32
Many times wrote, that anything to do or make it is not necessary. Similar rising tmperatury, can be a variant of individual norm or rate.