Просмотр полной версии : In the summer jumped up furuncles, it was longly treated. Thought, that vyzdorovil. But prosh...

19.07.2004, 09:37
In the summer jumped up furuncles, it was longly treated.
Thought, that vyzdorovil.
But has passed or has taken place half a year and snovy vyskachil one.
Has handed over a blood on Saccharum - norm or rate.
To me 23 years, I conduct a healthy way of life, whence this muck undertakes? Where to me will address and in what there can be a reason?

Shirokova E.B.
20.07.2004, 04:10
Nikita! Possibly problem of a recurring furunculosis at you is connected with disturbances in immune system. It is necessary for you to hand over the analysis of a blood on an immunogram and to consult at the clinical immunologist. Treatment should konrolirovatsja to two spetsialistami-the immunologist and the dermatologist.
For the beginning discuss the problem with our dermatologist at its or his conference.