Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Whether it is possible v/to prick m Baralginum 5 ml for once? On the directory...

Irina L.
14.07.2004, 12:05
Hello! Whether it is possible v/to prick m Baralginum 5 ml for once? Under the directory of medicines it turns out, that the maximal single dosage contains in 2 ml. Whether means it, what it is impossible to stick at once 5 ml Baralginum, and it is necessary to leave 2/3 ampoules " on then "?

The anonym
14.07.2004, 16:44
It would be desirable to remind, that Analginum and ALL preparations where he enters India and are forbidden all over the world except for Russia, to Bulgaria for application iz-for developments of potentially dangerous by-effects. There are more safe and effective medicines

18.07.2004, 10:00
Hello, Irina. For adults and teenagers 15 years a single dose of Baralginum in ampoules are more senior makes 2 5 ml (v/in or v/), a daily dose - up to 10 ml. V/in introduction of the single dose exceeding 2 ml (1), it is possible or probable only after careful statement of indications. For children and thoracal babies a daily dose establish or install in view of mass of a body (thoracal babies of 5 8 kg - 0, 1 0, 2 ml v/m; children of 9 15 kg - 0, 2 0, 5 ml v/in or v/m; children of 16 23 kg - 0, 3 0, 8 ml v/in or v/m; children of 24 30 kg - 0, 4 1 ml v/in or v/m; 31 45 kg - 0, 5 1, 5 ml v/in or v/m; 46 53 kg - 0, 8 1, 8 ml v/in or v/m. " On then " the opened ampoule to leave it is impossible. Yours faithfully, Elena Ivanovna.