Просмотр полной версии : Hello At my son are increased lmfouzly in all groups already 4, an...

15.07.2004, 10:09
At my son analyses in norm or rate are increased lmfouzly in all groups already 4, sites are painless and do not increase or are not enlarged, the local pediatrist speaks what is it iz-for lowered immunity. Advise what to do or make and to what doctor to address?

Doronin V.A.
15.07.2004, 21:44
To a hematologist.

The help
16.07.2004, 18:27
Golden stafillokokk has remained, it is necessary to the healer, doctors of it or this are not able, unfortunately. Address to Larissa Jakovlevoj, she can clean or remove distantsionno.

17.07.2004, 20:14
To my son of 7 years. At it or him since a birth lymphonoduses in all groups and always a positive Mantoux test are increased. Serious labors, krovoizlejanie in zheludochi the left hemisphere. We are constantly observed at the neuropathologist. The child rastormozhennyj, is intellectually developed. An incontience wet in night, sometimes day time time. The leukopenia, ezinofelija (according to this doctor) Nv-135, L-7, 5, E-2, Lim-46, soe-3, in urine oksolaty sometimes at deterioration of state of health increases or is enlarged kollichestvo ketonovyh ph. of US - the right share of a liver in thickness, reactive changes paranhimy a liver, attributes DZHVP, a cholestasia is increased. In a blood - chlamydias 1 : 20 it is positive. On a computer tomography - the moderate internal hydrocephalus. Have addressed to the doctor to the neurologist who treats basically gomiapaticheskimi agents (Epam-7 modulations 1000, 900; Epam-11; asparkam; Diacarbum; nejrostrong; a lecithine; diskaveri; viferon-2). Whether prompt correct treatment we spend? Whether probably to cure chlamydias in such a way? What would you advise? How to us to be and what to do or make, to cure the child?