Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon! I on yours saite have not found the doctor pulmonologa and I shall try or taste zadat...

13.07.2004, 09:50
Good afternoon! I on yours saite have not found the doctor pulmonologa and I shall try to ask my question to you. Whether at me the question consists in that that me the intervention because I have gone through 10 years ago 2 opiratsy in this occasion and in danyj the moment at me the diagnosis a chronic obstructive bronchitis and a bronchoectatic disease interests sushestvuet in sovremenoj to medicine full izlichenie Bronoektaticheskoj illnesses or diseases, except for surgical. In advance many thanks!

Lanj, the doctor-diagnostician
13.07.2004, 20:11
Igor, to you partial excising or coretraction small bronchiectasias was spent? The form of illness or disease? A kind of ectasia? How illness or disease proceeds?

14.07.2004, 06:12
Shares both easy or light;mild, chronically recurring or relapsing, a kind ektazij-cylindrical have been removed bottom, illness or disease wavy proceeds.

Lanj, the doctor-diagnostician
17.07.2004, 16:27
Igor, unfortunately, in your case to speak about full treatment, it is not necessary. But, by duration of disease, at you pathological process is less expressed, most likely, you receive periodic conservative treatment, and a mainstream in treatment is sanation of a bronchial tree, it is very important. In this case you can save the certain working capacity long time. After radical operations clinical convalescence comes at 60 70 % of patients, and at 10 15 % improvement is marked or celebrated. Your forecast after economical rezektsij-excision of a share of a lung, much better, than full excision. Conservative treatment at your illness or disease should be intensive. Exercise stresses, respiratory gymnastics, sanatorno-a resort therapy are obligatory. Isklju chajutsja smoking, influence zapylenno sti and coolings, alcohol is limited, the diet should be with the sufficient maintenance or contents of vitamins. 4 times in god-on 1 mesjatsu-courses of Polyvitaminums.