Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor, prompt, whether byvaet-a brain concussion without loss soznan...

15.07.2004, 15:57
The dear doctor, prompt, whether byvaet-a brain concussion without a loss of consciousness? The matter is that I am engaged in struggle and yesterday one more girl has fallen on tatami from height of the considerable body height, and from above, voobshchem was sick, and today at me a head as in a fog. Whether Moglo-it to be a brain concussion? Whether Mozhno-to me in the near future to be engaged or make a break? And how to facilitate the status?

Kostina S.A.
15.07.2004, 22:37
Katya, do not worry. If you not toshnit also are not present a vomiting you do not have brain concussion. In employment or occupations it is better to make a break for some days and to consult at the neuropathologist.