Просмотр полной версии : Taty on June, 29th 2001 21 : 41 : 47 The doctor, I had in view of a laundry samoobsluzhiva...

15.07.2004, 10:45
Taty on June, 29th 2001 21 : 41 : 47
The doctor, I had in view of a laundry of self-service. Whether the infection precisely leaves. In advance thanks for the answer

Shirokova E.B.
15.07.2004, 14:00
I think in prachechnoj-self-services it is possible to erase the linen easy. In fact in the machine or car there is only your linen. And after washing the linen is plentifully rinsed, the machine or car is accordingly washed out.