Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor, prompt, as it is better to give the child of 4 months Enterosgel...

14.07.2004, 13:31
The dear doctor, prompt, as it is better to give the child of 4 months Enterosgel - he and vodu-that at us does not drink (only thoracal feeding), and this preparation such... As though to tell or say, he is impossible homogeneous, even when I shake up it or him a mixer. The kid chokes with these grains, and with such work poured in in it or him 50 ml waters immediately to me come back... Perhaps, there are any more homogeneous preparations - analogues?. Import? In advance thanks.

Rzheznikov M.V.
15.07.2004, 03:04
Hello, other such preparation is not present, there are medicines with similar action, but the doctor should offer replacement. If vse-taki will try to give Enterosgel, try to dissolve with the decanted milk i/or popoit from a bottle.