Просмотр полной версии : Daughters 1 year and 8 months, badly sleep. Slashala about a new preparation - Lalabi...

13.07.2004, 05:45
Daughters 1 year and 8 months, badly sleep. Slashala about a new preparation - Lalabi. What you about itself can tell or say, how much or as far as he is effective and whether it is possible to apply it or him to children is more younger 2 h than years? Whether allergic reactions to natural essential oils are possible or probable? Thanks.

14.07.2004, 20:59
Hello, Lena. Lalabi contains a composition of essential oils: camomiles Roman, lavenders ostrolistnoj, pitches mirry.
Apply at disturbances of the backfilling, the raised or increased nervous excitability, irritability, an overexcitement, tearfulness.
To children up to 2 h years to apply it is impossible. Allergic reactions are possible or probable. Yours faithfully.