Просмотр полной версии : Has begun job above the figure - I accept low-calorie nutrition and I torment se...

15.06.2004, 05:04
Has begun job above the figure - I accept low-calorie nutrition and I torment myself with physical exercises. While it turns out not bad, but very much I like houses before a TV set sunflower seeds pogryzt. Whether can start up this innocent predilection to a cat under a tail all my undertakings?

16.06.2004, 05:27
Looking how much. If one small bag - that is not present. And in general sunflower seeds very high-calorie, as well as nuts

Too Tanja
17.06.2004, 08:24
Do not refuse to yourself in sunflower seeds, only consider calories, now for you it is a unique source of such fiber which will help or assist your muscles, and a source of vitamin without which you at your diet and physical exercises ruin vessels, a teeth, hair and fingernails or nails.

18.06.2004, 22:23
Lena skazhite, vi vsyu zhizn sobiraetes sebia terzat uprazhneniyami i dietoi? mnogo nizkokaloriinoi pischi huzhe chem malo no zhirnoi-chudes ne bivaet. budete slepo paedat malokaloriinie pradukti, bolshe esche raspolneete. lutshe k vrachu dietolagu abratites esli deistvitelno ves lishnii a ne vashi kaprizi-konstituciu ne peredalaesh hot lopni, esli vi piknicheskovo teloslozheniya, ne azhidaite stat trostinkoi, davedite svoi ves do takova pri katoram vi smozhete zhit vse vremia a ne paru nedel i na etom konec kak eto abichno bivaet.

22.06.2004, 02:29
To Andrey
If not strongly understand in a subject, what for advise? (I speak about that that not enough fat nutrition better than a lot of low-calorie - try to eat 2 3 100 gramme chocolate bars in day - just daily norm or rate of calories, I shall look or see that with you will be in 2 3 months)

23.06.2004, 23:06
Lena, problem with sunflower seeds consists in that that they contain a lot of Adeps. If your viewings occur or happen in the evening and you eat really many sunflower seeds, can be valid it is meaningful kak-that of in them to limit.

25.06.2004, 17:31
VIKE-2 3 plitki kaneshno dnevnaya norma-kavo vot tolka? adna plitka okolo 500 kalorii. znachit 1500 kalorii maksimum. dla normalnoi zhemschini vabscheto norma eto okala 2000 no esli pastaratsa, mozhna davesti metabolizm do 1200. budesh vse vremia golodat.
skazhite mne VIKA, a esli chelovek ne mozhet rot zakrit, nu nikak, on verit v kakoeto chudo i interesuetsa esli semechki mogut vse delo isportit. a mezhdu tem, mozhet imeet mesto pereedanie, eli endokrinologicheskie problemi [schitovidka dapustim].
sklonnim k polnote zhiram ne stoit uvlekatsa, i shto padelat, nuzhno imet silu voli a esli ee netu, mozhet pamoch psiholog. strogo gavarya, lishnii ves i patom azhirenie, eto hronicheskoe zabalevanie a ne tak sebe, za 3 meseca sbrosil 25 kg i dumaet shto uzhe vse, mozhno est kak ranshe. adnako ves estestvenno vernetsa i dazhe pavisitsa.
lutshe vsevo abratitsa k gramotnomu dietologu katorii padberet takuiu dietu pri katorai mozhno budet zhit esli ne vsyu to bolshuiu chast zhizni. yasno?
kstati semechki ochen paleani, a zloupatreblat ne nuzhno ni chem asobenno kagda est prablema s vesom. nasha zhizn vsya sastait iz kompromissov i tot kto gonitsa za 2 zaicami, v rezultate astaetsa ni schem. udachi.

26.06.2004, 09:13
To Andrey, 1500 kcal a day it believe very much not a little. The classical formula rscheta caloric contents, ispolzyemaja doctors dietarians-
(Women: 18 30 years)
[0, 0621 x WEIGHT (in kg) + 2, 0357] x 240 = kcal
That is for example I weigh 63 kg, accordingly in day should eat 1430 kcal. Believe at competently planned planned ration (I try to eat 5 times a day) - such daily caloric content it not a little, at least the feeling of famine at me does not arise. Similarly (with updating on weight) I feed on days off of the husband - he speaks, that at it or him that he in target overeats sensation, at that we specially considered or counted - in everyday lives he eats calories more, thus often at job feeling famine. The basic problem in my opinion that the majority of people which wish to change the weight actually weakly is represented how much by them eat in day and consider or count, that a diet - time or temporary action. And the balanced low-calorie delivery helps or assists even to those at whom a problem with endocrinology (my personal experience).

28.06.2004, 21:59
VIKE-da, na schet ludei katorie dumayut shto malo edyat a na samom dele pereedayut, eto tochno, ved raznie perekuski i musarnaya eda chasto ne vhodit v schet.
saglasen s tem shto dieta dalzhna bit sbalansirovannaya, i navernoe v pervuiu ochered.
kagda kris pasadili na galodnii paek, ani zhili na 30 % dolshe.
no vot v zhizni kak to tak bivaet shto ot kalichestva edi malo zavisit dlitelnost zhizni, lish bi serdce bilo zdarovbim i rak ne shvatil.
da, pereedat vredno, no esli ne sklonen k polnote, to vred ne velik [i opat zhe, smotrya chevo pereedat].
takoe pitanie ne mozhet Reshit endokrenologicheskoi problemi no kak vspomogatelnii factor, mozhet sigrat svayu rol. na samom zhe deli, esli kakaeto balezn zahodit ochen daleko, to pischei zdes ne pamozhesh. mnoga ludei padschitavayut kalorii, pitauytsa zdarovai pischei-eto ne spasaet ot raka hata ne mnogo umenshet verayatnost infarkta, insula i tak dalee. vse zhe geneticheskii komponent, schitayu, igraet ochen vazhnuiu rol esli ne samuiu vazhnuiu.
muzhchina katorii NE imeet lishneva vesa, dazhe pri vese kak u menya 51 kg, dolzhen siedat okal 2000 kalorii esli ves den okala kompiutora. esli zhe dvigatsa i taskat tyazhesti to mozhet doiti i do 3000 hatya i redko. mnogoe zavisit ot konstitucii i vasheva metabolizma.
ne znayu skolko vam let no esli let za 40 to i vpriam 1500 kalorii budet narmalnim. muzhu ya dumayu stoit pobolshe davat. nuzhno truditsa i dvigatsa, tagda i appetit mozhet bit normalnim i est mozhno budet bolshe.

01.07.2004, 08:53
Let's begin with that that to me 27. Job really sedentary, I try to compensate it or her employment or occupations in a hall 2 times a week. About genetic predisposition - she means much but far not all. In the Great Britain the boom of an eutrophy has begun after such case. Parents of unioval twins were lost in accident. One boy has got in family of mum, another in family of the daddy. The difference in weight by 20 years was 12 (unioval twins - genes napomnjub are identical). Accordingly a difference only in a way of life and a delivery. As you would understand in the course of time a difference in weight still has increased. At me before eyes a plenty of parent friends - which all my childhood were hudenkimi and always spoke, that is it is possible anything you like. And so all from them without exception who really practised meal of all everything and when necessary now suffer excess of weight (by 45 50 years), it is more healthy they as you understand from it or this do not become. Really someone it is necessary to overeat 10 15 years that raspolnet, and someone is enough for set of the same weight to not watch or not keep up itself 1 2 years, the short from it or this does not vary. In occasion of the husband - I have written that made a diet koreektiruja it or her on its or his weight.
About accompanying illnesses or diseases. I communicated on a subject of weight with the endocrinologist - she approves or confirms that in most cases endocrinologic or endocrinology deviations or rejections to result or bring weight in norm or rate that there was indemnification enough. (same 2 degrees and diseases accompanying them concern or touch obesities 1 and partially.)

04.07.2004, 15:20
ochen priatno. a mne i 23 netu.
mne vot shto ne ponyatno-kak tak chelovek zhivet, nabiraet ves i vspominaet [ili emu eto pakazivayut] shto u nevo zhivot uzhe ne stena a visit i skoro nachnetsa zerkalnaya balezn, li. a? kak tak? abezatelno sebia dovesti do 15 kg lishnevo vesa shtob ab etam vspomnit?
na schet endokrinologii, kaneshna pri takom malenkam azhirenii dieta mozhet pomoch. NO esli narusheniya bili pervichnimi, to vryad li dieta skompensiruet.
hotya i priznayu shto mnogie ludi, shtobi ne zatikat sebe rot, i tak zhe ot leni vse ssilayut na narushenie metabolizma i gormonalnih problem.
i vse zhe est mozhno pachti vse, esli eto ne golaya himiya, amnogo est vredno vsem.

05.07.2004, 06:31
On yours 1 2 degree of an obesity is a small additional weight? Let's consider or count admit or allow at the person body height 170
Norm or Rate of weight on IMT 55 72 depending on addition
The first degree of an obesity 73 86
The second degree of an obesity 87 101
That is at a borderline case - pervaja-the second degree of an obesity excess of weight of 14 kg is a little?
We by the way from a subject have distracted
Initial your thesis about that that was better not enough than fat nutrition than a lot of low-calorie
ok let even your norm or rate of 2000 kcal a day
On yours 4 chocolates within day are better than
400 g a beef and 400 g macaroni (selection of products conditional) caloric content identical
But in one case you receive almost pure or clean Adepses and legkouchvavivaemye carbohydrates and in the second trudonusvaivaemye carbohydrates fibers and a few or a little;little bit Adepses.
And absolutely not badly our polemic to transfer or carry to other topic:)

06.07.2004, 09:30
I wish you to not have problems with health with your formula of caloric content. 1500 is not " very much not a little " and a little, but basically for those who wishes to grow thin - normally, but in any way for maintenance of weight and vital activity.. Especially that who is engaged in a hall. The main thing not calories and from what these calories are taken.. It is possible to grow thin by the way and with a ration in 1800 and 2000 kkalory. Whether know, I when squat in a hall with weight 60 kg in day or I do or make stanovuju with the same weight or draft in an inclination, and then in day I run in the mornings on 10 km - that at all does not suffice me 1400 1500 kkalory.. So I consider or count what better to add loads than to reduce a delivery therefore as with the limited delivery there can be a deficiency and nutrients, vitamins, minerals, etc.

09.07.2004, 10:43
For the sportsman (the author of the previous report)
The formula which I use is deduced or removed for usual city women (leading as a rule a sedentary inactive way of life) and recommended to me personally vrachem-by the dietarian. From what stati I should not her trust? You suggest me to move more and is more? Me and the doctor who observes me arranges a status of my health
Including a combination - sports nagruzka-a diet. Personally I cannot, and I do not test desire tjagat a bar in weight of 60 kg:), but here probably our attitude - a miscellaneous. To run to me the doctor did not recommend. Here I also use less calories that will not recover. And about entering in an organism of minerals and vitamins - so it is necessary to eat sbalansirovanno, nutrition with them rich. It is possible and 4000 calories in day uporebljat and thus there will be an avitaminosis.

The sportsman
09.07.2004, 13:27
I too the usual city girl with that only a difference that tjagaju a bar of 60 kg:)) and more I do not understand why so much laziness in the person and whence she undertakes.. Well success to you!.

12.07.2004, 08:46
Let's consider or count, the usual city girl. In day 24 hours - let 8 of them go on a dream (on me better 9 but this business of taste). Remains 16.8 (more often 9) hours job, a break for a dinner of 40 minutes, total remains 6 hours of 20 minutes. I reach job about an hour. Total there are 4 hours of 20 minutes. We shall throw out on morning collectings and a breakfast of 40 more minutes. We receive 3 hours of 40 minutes. About an hour leaves on posezhenie shop and cooking (I live in the center, near to the house with shops accident). Minutes 20 on douche and a withdrawal to a dream. 2 20 in the dry rest on dialogue with the husband and other family (often come on a visit or we go to them), on dialogue with friends and on pomstotret the TV set to descend or go at cinema:). Here also it turns out that I find 2 times a week on a campaign in fitnes-the center, loads for everyone - business of taste. At you probably time has more:) Time you presume to run and be engaged every day.

13.07.2004, 13:38
Good I do not argue.. At me time has more, simply I think that " there is no time " is an excuse for lazy. And I spare on a dream and it, certainly, badly, agree with you what to sleep I am necessary more (and at me it turns out hours 6 every day) and more do not look almost a TV set and seldom I do not communicate with friends, so it also an emotional load except for physical.. Success to you too and happiness!:)