Просмотр полной версии : Zdrastvujte, At my father a multiple myeloma, prompt clinics spetsializir...

04.07.2004, 23:00
Zdrastvujte, At my father a multiple myeloma, prompt clinics specializing on treatment of this disease

08.07.2004, 15:33
Gemato-Oncologic clinics

09.07.2004, 06:10
Zdravsvujte! If you live in Moscow the best clinic for treatment of a myeloma - zhto TSKB Ministry of Railways near to island Losinym, there works professor Andreeva. The second place is GNTS Russian Academy of Medical Science (district of the underground of the Dynamo). Further - decreasing any hematological clinic.

The novel
09.07.2004, 10:24
Who directs or refers on treatment in GNTS FRAMES from the Voronezh area and that is necessary what to receive a direction.

09.07.2004, 14:12
The district hematologist or the oncologist can direct. Reception of a direction needs an extract medical ucherezhdenija with a substantiation of the diagnosis, and also the big desire of relatives or the patient. Also, most likely, to be necessary the letter of guarantee from any enterprise for payment of treatment.

The novel
12.07.2004, 13:18
Hello! Kokova orentirovachnaja cost of treatment of a myelosis of the second stage in GNTS Russian Academy of Medical Science?

13.07.2004, 11:41
With this question it is necessary to address in planovo-economic department GNTS Russian Academy of Medical Science.