Просмотр полной версии : Prompt, please, as well as what preparations effectively to cure toksich...

Igor (Thick)
08.07.2004, 02:50
Prompt, please, as well as what preparations effectively to cure the toxic hepatitis caused or called by antituberculous or antitubercular treatment (treatment proceeds). Where to find these medical products in Moscow? If these preparations do not extend in a network of the Russian drugstores how to make the order iz-for borders? In advance thanks for the developed or unwrapped answer on my question.

Zholudev A.A.
10.07.2004, 07:45
On this subject it is better to consult to phthisiatricians. Basically application of extracorporal detoxicating is possible or probable.

Gusman M.A.
11.07.2004, 07:11
It is necessary to stop simply their application and he will pass or take place in 98 % of cases