Просмотр полной версии : The second day hurts gde-that in district of the left scapula, is especially felt...

08.07.2004, 06:58
The second day hurts gde-that in district of the left scapula, is especially felt at movement " on twisting " to the right and to the left, and also at a deep inspiration. Constantly does not hurt, but it is a little felt always. The first, that has occurred - has blown in the machine or car from a window (just at the left). But something similar at me already once was and have diagnosed - a focal pneumonia. Have registered any antibiotics. Then has passed or has taken place in 3 4 days. Here now I also am afraid as though it not a pneumonia. And the general or common samochustvie at me excellent or different, temperatures, tussis, a rhinitis is not present.
It is possible kak-nibud to check up it not coming to the doctor or it is necessary to go? Than nonacceptance of measures on treatment threatens? Whether it is possible to make secure and on vsjaki a case to pass or take place small course of treatment from a pneumonia (what)?


Kostina S.A.
08.07.2004, 20:18
Pains which you have described, can be caused by an intercostal neuralgia, an exacerbation of an osteochondrosis shejno-a thoracal department of a backbone, diseases of lungs, pleuras and joints (pleche-a scapular periarthritis). That most to exclude a pneumonia, it is necessary to listen to itself a phonendoscope. Treat a pneumonia antibacterial preparations (a preparation, its or his dose get out from depending on a kind of a pneumonia, its or her gravity and dr). If to not treat a pneumonia, such complications, as an abscess and a gangrene of a lung can develop. Considering, that pains arise at a deep inspiration it is better to you vse-taki to make a X-ray inspection of lungs.