Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor! Thanks for attention to my problem (joints). Together...

07.07.2004, 13:23
Hello, the doctor! Thanks for attention to my problem (joints). I inform results of analyses. Biochemistry of a blood: a bilirubin 5, 13; a cholesterin 3, 8; sulemovaja assay - a crossed out section (?); s-reactive fiber - otrits; a fibrinogen - 2, 75; sialine assay - a crossed out section; V-lipids - 3, 5; triglycerides - 0, 8; albuminous fraction: albumins 51, 1; globulins 1-2, 6; 2 - 7, 8; 1 - 8, 8; 2 - 4, 7; on the form with albuminous fraction in line after a globulin 2 there is a badge similar to "alpha", against it or him digit 24, 9 and the finger to albumins is spent. What is it such, to me have not explained. The general or common bloods: a hemoglobin - 135, erythrocytes 4, 6; tsv a parameter - 0, 88; leucocytes - 6, 0; band - 4; segmented - 48; eosinocytes - 3; bazofily - 1; lymphocytes - 32; monocytes - 12; rate of a sedimentation eritrots - 5. The general or common wet: density - 1019; reaction - acidic; fiber - 0; a flat epithelium - in a plenty; leucocytes - something of type " 2 3 ". The analysis on a chlamydia was negative in March, after did not do or make, but the partner at me constant and after that he was checked already nekskolko time and at it or him found nothing, so chlamydias, probably, it is possible to exclude. Treat me Ortophenum and more compresses with an ozocerite on a knee. I asked a question in occasion of a knee in conference "artrolog", and d-r Didkovsky have responded, that DOA at my age it is improbable. I would send a picture of a knee, but I can not while it or him to scan. In the description to a picture it is specified only " subhondrolnyj a sclerosis, uploshchenie articulate or joint surfaces ". At me here one more problem has appeared - tussis 10 days does not pass or take place. Treated in all ways, the doctor at "listening" does not hear any rhonchuses, and tussis simply terrible. And more last day 4 I strongly sweat at night - though bedsheets squeeze out. What is it can be?

Shirokova E.B.
08.07.2004, 20:07
Olja! What prescription these analyses? They are made before treatment by Ortophenum or after? Whether the intestinal infection (diarrhea, temperature, etc.) preceded occurrence of a joint pain? Whether Defined or Determined a level of a urinary acid in a blood? Whether did or made an immunogram?
As to your present disease, that, considering the described signs is necessary to exclude a pneumonia. For this purpose it is necessary to make rentgenogrmmu lungs (in spite of the fact that the doctor bad does not hear anything), the analysis of a blood. The expressed sweating can be connected and with an intoxication of an organism. Plentiful drink, reception of Acidum ascorbinicum on 0, 5 2 times a day in this case will help or assist, having dissolved in 1 glass of water, 10 days. Helps or assists to cope with an infection immunal (a preparation from ehinatsei) on 20 kap 3 times a day.
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