Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the dear doctor! It would be desirable to learn or find out your opinion in occasion of ek...

04.07.2004, 14:57
Hello, the dear doctor! It would be desirable to learn or find out your opinion in occasion of an ecological situation in Moscow. Two years ago we with the husband have moved from the north of Moscow on jugo-the east in Marino. For this time I had to listen so much "good" about this district, what I had doubts, and it is necessary to remain here to live and further? Earlier I optimistically looked at things, heard, that oil refining combine will translate for feature of Moscow, and now I think that is not known when it will be. Now we have an opportunity to improve the living conditions, having made an exchange with surcharge. On this ground with the husband there was spor-he wishes to remain in this district, and I wish to move on the north. I already to him and clauses or articles different showed, and an ecological map of city, and to him all ravno-to me, speaks, here it is pleasant. And still he is assured or confident that Moscow all dirty, therefore does not see sense to gain, where it is better to go. Voobshchem, all our conversations come to an end with that " to live vooobshche harmfully ", and the question and remains unresolved.

06.07.2004, 12:20
It is visible that mene did not read (below) kranty to all in marino else one http: // home. mega. ru/~staff1/rak/ecor. htm

http: // home. mega. ru/~staff1/rak/eco. htm zy - in maskve there are pure or clean places for example filevsky park

07.07.2004, 06:42
Thanks big, only I live not in maskve, and in Moscow.