Просмотр полной версии : Hello, To me of 26 years, constantly raised or increased pressure, on the average 140 10...

05.07.2004, 22:18
To me of 26 years, constantly raised or increased pressure, on the average 140 100, researches have shown, that heart, kidneys, an ophthalmotonus both a cervical and cerebral blood flow by way of. A symptomatology such: constantly arising presyncopal status, dull aches in occipital area, sometimes a nausea.
Accepted Enap-5 with Hypothiazidum and then Kapozid, signs have remained former. Three months ago has stopped the use of contraceptive pills which actually and have provoked deterioration of health. What will advise?

Lanj, the doctor-diagnostician
06.07.2004, 17:25
Natalia, to you it is shown to be surveyed at the endocrinologist and after the spent US of organs of an abdominal cavity, gynecologic survey, to select individual treatment.