Просмотр полной версии : Lyudmila Mihajlovna! Has sent you the letter on your new address. Whether you have received e...

Alexander d
03.07.2004, 09:55
Lyudmila Mihajlovna!
Has sent you the letter on your new address. Whether you have received it or him?

Shapovalova L.M.
04.07.2004, 22:19
Unfortunately, pharma@hospital. ru address temporarily for me is inaccessible - in target, I hope poproavit.

Alexander d
05.07.2004, 16:31
I specify, on lms@fromru. com

Shapovalova L.M.
06.07.2004, 15:09
Excuse - change has coincided spill on a site and change komptora at me so, that mail worked not absolutely regularly. Now the situation is normalized also the intermediate answer you should receive.