Просмотр полной версии : Hello! To me of 39 years. In the last half a year the head has started to hurt or be ill;be sick after that...

Tatyana Viktorovna
30.06.2004, 19:32
Hello! To me of 39 years. In the last half a year the head has started to hurt or be ill;be sick after I shall overtire, or I shall be fidgety, a status any in a prostration, and the nasal bleeding at once opens. To itself to address, whether it is serious, on what it is necessary to pay attention? And what is it such? With what to begin the inspection, what analyses if it is necessary? Thanks.

Sergey Ivanovich
02.07.2004, 15:08
On these data it is possible to assume, that there are disturbances to vessels (whether there were problems at parents with SSS, pressure) or these are consequences of an osteochondrosis of a cervical department of a backbone. As, probably, it is trivial shortage of Antioxidants in an organism (vitamins A, E,) or, that is worse, premenopausal hormonal changes. In any case. Probably, I can help or assist you. vip6k@bk. ru

Zholudev A.A.
06.07.2004, 04:37
It is necessary for you to address to the cardiologist. Probably, described displays obuslovleniy an arterial hypertonia. Presence of nasal bleedings is serious enough sign, t. To. The vessel not only in a nose can burst, but also cerebral (carrying out blood supply of a brain), that will lead to an insult. I advise to address in an out-patient department on a residence or in cardiologic clinic at your choice.
Sergey Ivanovich and to him similar distributors of biological additives, will not be responsible for your health.