Просмотр полной версии : After sorts or labors has recovered almost on 30 kg. Thought that never I shall grow thin. pred...

28.06.2004, 05:42
After sorts or labors has recovered almost on 30 kg. Thought that never I shall grow thin. Undertook attempts to get on a a diet, but neterpene played the role, in 3 days not seeing results of shift of weight though on 500 gram, came back to a former delivery and all became into place... Here only recently has found a clever site and references of experts - dietarians. For one and a half month has dumped or reset 10 kg. In a week I have understood, how I excessively ate not understanding in products. Children or guys to dump or reset weight is so fine. Experts we shall softly tell or say have put my brains on a place and have popularly explained, why it is impossible to sit on amateur diets. I wish all of good luck in your undertakings... And the most important in successful end of your problems.

The anonym
29.06.2004, 00:22
JUlja! Give please the address of this site. If do not wish it or him to advertise or promote - - send on soap, aeo@yandex. ru In advance thanks!

30.06.2004, 03:26
And me. innayatsun@mail. ru. Please

Oh, please, I too want!!!))))
01.07.2004, 16:51
My inessa999. hotmail. com address
By the way, I too have started to go to club of tracking weight, there learn or teach correctly to eat, on t. n. To system of points. e. It is possible to eat everything, but with mind or wit. For 2 weeks has already dumped or reset about 3 kg. It is interesting, whether the same is the power supply system. And more. Eto-not the diet, is a way of life and ideas. Without excesses.

And me!
02.07.2004, 01:09
sag@iteranet. com thanks!

02.07.2004, 21:38
And me if it is possible! krikounova@rambler. ru

03.07.2004, 19:48
All greetings! Vita, and you already know one of sites.
It www. harbor. ru b www. herpes. ru section "figure"
Especially turn on Ginzburg's clauses or articles.
And if that delivery which I adhered write to me on julia@mpcb. ru interests.
And more, yet late subscribe for the newspaper " the green catalogue, a code 38004 if I am not mistaken certainly Is grown thin together ".

04.07.2004, 00:59
Inessa, please, repeat the address. The letter from me does not leave. Where sobachka?
My julia@mpcb. ru address

Oh, izvenite, a typing error!!!
04.07.2004, 22:45
Here the address: inessa999@hotmail. com
Now it is correct)))