Просмотр полной версии : Prompt who nibud it was coded on growing thin at Sajkova, Smelova, etc. As...

30.06.2004, 05:10
Prompt who nibud it was coded on growing thin at Sajkova, Smelova, etc. What result, whether the weight anew comes back? Thanks!

01.07.2004, 15:20
It was coded about both. It is very grateful d-ru Sajkovu: has grown thin for 10 kg (was 90, there were 80 kg). On wanted (to him so much "reserve" the necessary weight). Did not believe, that I can dump or reset and to pair or steam in kg, but has got off ten. It was very difficult: a serious "hungry" diet, clysters, self-massage. Now I do not understand, how I have sustained it. Probably, slanting views and impossibility to buy or purchase the normal clothes suitable 24 hletnej girl have bothered. I shall notice, that has grown thin without exercise stresses. In 2 months has taken in skirts and trousers on 10 see
In half a year has again started to eat sweet. Has recovered on pair in kg. Been frightened, did not begin to wait a full obesity and has again gone to be coded, but in second time could not fast - badly itself felt. In one and a half year has decided to grow thin still (to new weight you get used quickly, and he again seems superfluous). Has gone to Smelovu. To Him too thanks. The diet at it or him is easier, but also I grew thin more slowly. For 2 months has thrown off 6 kg. Only it is dear or expensive at Smelova! Now thousand 4 5 costs or stands. In half a year again has on the sly begun a set of weight. More shortly if to reach or achieve the normal weight which at you was during the best times, and not razzhiratsja, it is possible to save result of coding. I am" the weight "presented" Sajkovym already of 3 years. Though, he too kolebletsja. The bulimic I!
If details are necessary - write!


03.07.2004, 01:17
Svetlana, thanks that have responded to this question!
I too very much wished to descend or go to Sajkovu (doge 2 times entered the name), but then did not go. Is at me koj-what fears! Can will help or assist me.
To me of 28 years. Body height 178, weight of 80 kg. I have recovered after sorts or labors on 10. probyvala Thai tablets, teas, but results are not present. Even was 75 but as I sit at home with the child constantly on kuhne-in the spring eat incorrectly. Still I after sorts or labors almost 2 had terrible constipations. Now like it's OK, but it is necessary to drink every day sour-milk and there are dried apricots, and at Sajkova, I heard, any diet: every day eat the certain product. Therefore bos to plant or put an intestine!
Svetlana, you could not, tell to me on more detailed about a diet to the address of - maratsh@aport. ru
Many thanks!

03.07.2004, 12:44
Tanja, I was coded at Sajkova. More in detail I wrote about it or this here in November, esteem the previous records. If that, ask!

04.07.2004, 13:32
I beg, Svetochka, write to me pr this coding more in detail, I can not live more..... erk-elena@yandex. ru