Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Our group of 30 person (adult + teenagers) sends...

03.07.2004, 09:19
Hello! Our group of 30 person (adult + teenagers) sends to a campaign in "unsuccessful" area on entsifalitnomu to the tick or mite. Inoculations not at all. Prompt, please: what dose imunoglobulina on the person is necessary for reserving in this campaign and as well as at what signs it or he should be applied. Whenever possible recommend alternative agents more cheaply.

Rzheznikov M.V.
03.07.2004, 23:47
Hello, first attributes of disease can be confused with a usual malaise: chilnaja a headache, temperature, a nausea, a vomiting, strong delicacy. To be guarded it is necessary, if in reply to analgesic preparations which it is usual in this situation help or assist, there is no effect. In this situation the fastest is necessary gositalizatsija and lechenenie protivokleshchevym an immunoglobulin on 3 amp 2 times a day.