Просмотр полной версии : izza a gastritis odnadieta did not help or assist Has gone to a beauty salon As a result posl...

28.06.2004, 21:12
izza a gastritis odnadieta did not help or assist
Has gone to a beauty salon
As a result after 3 sessions of a wrapping and 1 session azona at me legs or foots have grown thin, be not become visible tseljulit and the priest has decreased.
Two kilo has dumped or reset not growing thin and not sitting on diets, in sports was not engaged a current in bassein I go once a week

Peter Nikolaevich
29.06.2004, 23:28
Rina, and on how much you would like to grow thin? You have reached or achieved desirable?

30.06.2004, 20:14
For the present desirable has not achieved, but kajf indescribable, a smooth healthy skin, the husband it is happy or enough besides.

Tatyana Vladimirovna
02.07.2004, 01:58
RINA, good afternoon! I absoljutnotochno know, how to you
TO GROW thin SERIOUSLY And FOR A LONG TIME! It not a diet:
- vysokoproteinovaja nizkouglevodnaja the program;
- Without hunger-strikes;
- An individual approach;
- antitselljulitnye programs:
- Conservation of results;
- Observation of the expert. And also is absolutely
Real opportunity to relieve you from BOTHERED
Gastritis. Effectively.
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