Просмотр полной версии : Zdravtsvujte the Doctor! At me already during several months keeps...

Denis, 30 years
28.06.2004, 20:51
Zdravtsvujte the Doctor!
At me already during several months the temperature about 35 35.5 degrees keeps, it seems to me, what is it is not absolutely normal, though local doctors convince me of the return and do not do or make any analyses.
What do you think in this occasion?
In advance thanks.

Lanj, the doctor-diagnostician
29.06.2004, 13:01
Denis, and how do you feel?

The anonym
01.07.2004, 03:11
I feel almost all time tired (broken), even sometimes in the morning after a good dream. Still I am am excruciated with constant back pains and sometimes in knee, tazo-femoral or humeral joints is observed long nojushchaja a pain though traumas above the listed joints at me never was. Often I happen irritable.

Lanj, the doctor-diagnostician
01.07.2004, 22:40
Denis, for the beginning it is necessary to hand over the analysis on a clamidiosis and to visit or attend the urologist. The status abnormal also is necessary inspection and treatment.