Просмотр полной версии : On April, 24th 2004 18 : 42 : 13 Red on April, 24th 2004 15 : 56 : 33 Kto-Someone can VN...

The anonym
29.06.2004, 13:50
On April, 24th 2004 18 : 42 : 13
Red on April, 24th 2004 15 : 56 : 33 Kto-Someone can DISTINCTLY explain, what occurs or happens here at a forum? What for graters around of doctor Shimanskogo? <<To return to conference - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Answers: on April, 24th 2004 18 : 38 : 28 And it the psychologist writes????? """ But it at all does not mean, that we shall allow you to have us. " " " On April, 24th 2004 18 : 34 : 27 Notice, nobody asked SHimanskogo to tell about PRIVATE LIFE about which he here rubs... On April, 24th 2004 18 : 31 : 04 On medium wait very much the entire account from Australia. Here again there is no war against excellent or different potrala, and there is a fair report up to people of the truth who such or such SHimansky which has no right to give or allow advice or councils under red authorization, t. e. He not the doctor also has no even relatives otnoshneija to psychology on education. To that the detailed information about Irina Hazhilinu has prevented? Have cleaned or removed!!!!! On April, 24th 2004 18 : 25 : 36 Tatyana did not offend, have simply asked why the person who has come "nechajano" on a portal to search the reference for 16 letnengo of son so it is zealous and natyrno began to intercede for that person. About kotorm nothing knows. Too STATE SECRET? On April, 24th documentary data promised to give 2004 18 : 22 : 54 Us and we wait true. And all will not grind, dear RED! And it have cleaned or removed on April, 24th 2004 18 : 20: On April, 25 23th 2004 01 : 04 : 57 Darling Shimansky and not so lovely Sadovskaja in edinnom an appearance! And why you, dear or expensive, poudaljali objectionable reports for you also have left all only from those "again come running, to protect you? Yes only therefore. That you protect under various nikami. Having read through your "justificatory" manifest, just right to take a flag in arms or hand and to run on demontsratsiju, but who is not clear in any way you personally such or such. It would be desirable to listen not about all doctors of the given portal, we vsh know them by heart for about everyone there is an information, and personally about you. But even your style of a writing or spelling suddenly became so is far from your previous posts, that more clearly and to explain it is not necessary.... And it have cleaned or removed and again will wipe on April, 24th on April, 2004 18th : 19 : 46 23 2004 01 : 04 : 17 G-zha _! Your private life to us in general fialetova, forgive or excuse, you have set the fashion dialogue, we and continue. And you here "have" visitors in full sense of this word. One doctor does not have state secrets what High schools he has ended, where prhodil additional perfection of the education. The medicine and furthermore, the psychology, develops prompt or impetuous rates and the doctor receives new literally every day. Your answer the doctor has completely confirmed that you any not. Being in Vargave from April, 1 till April, 4th, Maria "SHimanskaja" did not send answers. It is proved! A successful careerism!!!! It have cleaned or removed too! On April, 24th on April, 2004 18th : 18 : 58 23 2004 01 : 03 : 25 Strange history, the person writes, that at it or him nedopusk on this portal, and undertaken anywhere new Tanjushi and anonyms have undertaken urgently to protect a mafia with Maria. Where itself SHimansky? Yes it or him it is simple in the world does not exist, it and is Sadovskaja, which itself here protects. Where were gone Nika, Emotion, VA, which all films looks in two series and other? Uteleli in virtual. Here the disgrace suffices and again everyone will remove. Simply so has got, that noramlnyj vrachejbnyj the site rots that's it iz-for similar rascals who from have nothing to do or make it is necessary to buy a name and career. Tatyana, we know who you so do not try, dorogusha, it is not necessary so raspinatsja and to cave in under myself: - (And here temka it is sensitive above again old is copied exactly in exactly, be not too lazy, thumb through arhivchik given konfushechki. Successful promotion on "service"! On April, 24th 2004 18 : 17 : 11 Zashitniki (with nikami which earlier and in a mine was not have remained), objectionable have wiped. Even have cleaned or removed that if will be about itself info, people will bring public izinenie. On April, 24th 2004 18 : 13 : 15 Lovely girls! What psihiolog could GIVE the SIMILAR ANSWER? By the way to tell or say merits potrala _, but at what here he moreover with the state secrets? To him have suggested to publish openly the photo, info about education, but the person answers following:::: Shimanskij O.I. on April, 22nd 2004 20 : 39: 49 Good evening, darlings (and not so:-)) ladies! Secret SHimanskogo! Here it is a plot for the virtual story! I shall remind prisutsvujushchim - with iskreneej pride - that to this project www. 03. ru more than 6 years! For this time some our generations konsultanov were replaced, but the portal is alive, demanded and deprived conformism " by definition ". We stably enter in 5 naiboleee visited or attended medportalov Russia. More than stably. If not the doubtful help of some our respondents, we would keep in a three of leaders. Also that - we advise the most important free of charge, not receiving any incomes of our selfless activity. Certainly, many our private life interests. Especially during spring exacerbations of alienations and somatic illnesses or diseases. Well so please: write in a search line of any server and " have us ". But it at all does not mean, that we shall allow you to have us. Competence, restraint, collective nature - here bases of our daily modest job. Many for the sake of dialogue with patients sit at monitors up to the third cocks as earlier simply cannot leave in a network. Also help or assist you to find answers, sometimes making medical feats! The world to you, Blazhennye Spirit! Red on April, 24th 2004 17 : 31 : 24 Lerchik, thanks for consultation. Answers, it is valid, to put it mildly, strannovaty. And tactless. Lerchik on April, 24th 2004 16 : 56 : 48 This information has acted or arrived anonymously and, certainly, on its or her belief nobody accepted. Basically, here it is not so important at all and whether there was a boy, and whether there was a girl. Important that the doctor has appeared "lime" because any normal doctor on a question on the diploma not begins to carry any bosh about the state secret. Even if doctor Shimansky would advise the president, all the same it would not allow him an occasion to hide the education. And then, Red, esteem last answers SHimanskogo-it simply heresy any! Red on April, 24th 2004 16 : 38 : 18 And how it was found out, what is it the girl? Lerchik-Red on April, 24th 2004 16 : 27 : 18 Red, unfortunately all our conversations on doctor Shimanskom are ruthlessly erased also this my report to you too will remove. Therefore I hope, that you will not take offence, if I shall not begin to respond you personally, and I shall publish a repetition of my letter to Tatyana who too could not understand, that here occurs or happens. Unfortunately, Tatyana have offended, when she has tried to intercede for the doctor. Read: " To Lerchik-Tatyana on April, 23rd 2004 12 : 30 : 06 Tatyana, I too very much like this portal and with pleasure I continue to go here, I as well as to you do not like all this civil war. I believed doctor Shimanskomu and I very much liked its or his answers, but, unfortunately, it has appeared, that doctor Shimanskij-is the girl, and not the psychologist. Yes, the girl formed, answers were good, but the fact of a deceit is very unpleasant, in fact addressing in a specialized portal, people nadejatsja on the qualified help of the expert. It I here sit for the sake of own pleasure, but in fact someone is really necessary the help. And we believed the doctor up to the last, but one of its or his last answers "has simply killed" us. On quite natural question, whether there is at it or him a diploma, what high school, the doctor has responded, that the diploma is, but he will not tell or say what diploma as he has no the right to open this information whereas there is such concept as the state secret. Understand, Tatyana, to us it was very insulting, that us, visitors, have counted for any lohov which will swallow everything, that to them will speak. Unless the doctor will hide the education? Now on the contrary, doctors in ramochkah in cabinets or studies hang out the diplomas, that patients saw, and doctor Shimansky so has waved away from a question as though we telefonchik and adresochek asked it or him. That conversation occured or happened in the afternoon, and certainly it or him have erased, therefore many have remained in ignorance. And now imagine, Tatyana, that on a question on the raised or increased pressure at your child, the doctor, and at all student-the physician, and here, for example, I would respond not. And that have offended you, it, certainly, very badly, I understand, that it is very unpleasant to you, here therefore and it wanted to me to you to explain iz-for what you suddenly have got " under distribution ".

On April, 23rd 2004 01 : 11 : 01
Shimanskij O.I. on April, 22nd 2004 20 : 41 : 42 Good evening, darlings (and not so:-)) ladies! Secret SHimanskogo! Here it is a plot for the virtual story! I shall remind prisutsvujushchim - with iskreneej pride - that to this project www. 03. ru more than 6 years! For this time some our generations konsultanov were replaced, but the portal is alive, demanded and deprived conformism " by definition ". We stably enter in 5 naiboleee visited or attended medportalov Russia. More than stably. If not the doubtful help of some our respondents, we would keep in a three of leaders. Also that - we advise the most important free of charge, not receiving any incomes of our selfless activity. Certainly, many our private life interests. Especially during spring exacerbations of alienations and somatic illnesses or diseases. Well so please: write in a search line of any server and " have us ".:-)) But it at all does not mean, that we shall allow you to have Us. Competence, restraint, collective nature - here bases of our daily modest job. Many for the sake of dialogue with patients sit at monitors up to the third cocks as earlier simply cannot leave in a network. Also help or assist you to find answers, sometimes making medical feats! <<To return to conference - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Answers: on April, 23rd 2004 01 : 09 : 05 It appears, you, the coded heroine! Please, not vyterajte these reports for tomorrow will appear much more interestingly... Choose that better. Nika on April, 23rd 2004 01 : 08 : 59 It precisely other person responds... And not the psychologist it is exact! On April, 23rd 2004 01 : 06 : 57 Darling Shimansky and not so lovely Sadovskaja in edinnom an appearance! And why you, dear or expensive, poudaljali objectionable reports for you also have left all only from those "again come running, to protect you? Yes only therefore. That you protect under various nikami. Having read through your "justificatory" manifest, just right to take a flag in arms or hand and to run on demontsratsiju, but who is not clear in any way you personally such or such. It would be desirable to listen not about all doctors of the given portal, we vsh know them by heart for about everyone there is an information, and personally about you. But even your style of a writing or spelling suddenly became so is far from your previous posts, that more clearly and to explain it is not necessary.... On April, 23rd 2004 01 : 06 : 09 Strange history, the person writes, that at it or him nedopusk on this portal, and undertaken anywhere new Tanjushi and anonyms have undertaken urgently to protect a mafia with Maria. Where itself SHimansky? Yes it or him it is simple in the world does not exist, it and is Sadovskaja, which itself here protects. Where were gone Nika, Emotion, VA, which all films looks in two series and other? Uteleli in virtual. Here the disgrace suffices and again everyone will remove. Simply so has got, that noramalnyj vrachejbnyj the site rots that's it iz-for similar rascals who from have nothing to do or make it is necessary to buy a name and career. Tatyana, we know who you so do not try, dorogusha, it is not necessary so raspinatsja and to cave in under myself: - (And here temka it is sensitive above again old is copied exactly in exactly, be not too lazy, thumb through arhivchik given konfushechki. Successful promotion on "service"! Irina (aka SolntseZaOblakami) on April, 22nd 2004 23 : 10 : 29 Mangustik...:))))))))))))))))) Irina on April, 22nd 2004 23 : 08 : 37 Or can be to me knocks to you directly in your diary:))))) And????????:)))))))))) Irina on April, 22nd 2004 23 : 06 : 08 And here to cut continuation of my reports is not necessary, so where to me to write: sad_eyes@tut. by., whether not so? Irina on April, 22nd 2004 21 : 21 : 55 Well if you WILL publish it or him, I with pleasure shall write to you:))) Or you wish to tell or say, what he is familiar to us??? Shimanskij O.I. on April, 22nd 2004 20 : 59 : 43 Favour I ask you to write on my mail. Willingly I shall respond! Irina on April, 22nd 2004 20 : 57 : 01 Doctor, and you all taki have not responded me... Why I.I.Hazhilina HAS THE RIGHT to open the information on, and you - are not present? Kakaja-such state secret? Clear up please.
irishka on April, 21st 2004 14 : 30 : 48
And what difference where he was from April, 1 till April, 4th? And when responded?
On April, 21st 2004 08 : 56 : 24
Mister Shamansky! And where you were from April, 1 till April, 4th? Whether in Warsaw not so? Here questions of this forum also responded to all at this time much later, on arrival. It can also for us state secret? NO!. Interested persons, can check up

01.07.2004, 18:32
Excuse please the doctor, but my response to Lena (I wish to tell or say to pair or steam tender words). You are even worse, that with such have communicated, it is necessary to be engaged more often in sex, and that Not satisfied zlaja-so not longly a neuritis to earn. Idiotka!!!