Просмотр полной версии : At my husband the bronchitis which has flowed in a right-hand pneumonia. Have written out a heap...

28.06.2004, 10:43
At my husband the bronchitis which has flowed in a right-hand pneumonia. Have written out a heap of medicines. Only at it or him the third day very strong incessant tussis, up to a nausea. All muscles of a stomach or belly, a thorax already hurt, the throat tears up, the head hurts. He zakashlivaetsja, and anything to not stop it. At night does not sleep iz-for it or this. He accepts expectorating "ATSTS" and evkaliptovye sugar candies. Anything yet does not help or assist. Prompt please what to do or make? How to get rid of this tussis or even to reduce?

Egorov I.V.
29.06.2004, 11:45
It is temporarily possible poingalirovat Berotek or Salbutomol. 5 times a day on 3 4 inhalations bioparoksa. The most toxicant menthol sosalki (Hols, dark blue Strepsils).

30.06.2004, 21:04
Thanks for advice or council, but we yesterday again caused the doctor (temperature was 39, 6. This time to us have written out from tussis Korenb Solodki (syrup). Very well helps or assists.