Просмотр полной версии : I thank for the answer (hardly below:-)! That is you consider or count, that it is better in general n...

27.06.2004, 02:57
I thank for the answer (hardly below:-)! That is you consider or count, that it is better in general any additives to nutrition to not use (a calcium, a magnesium, fiber in a powder...)?
Yours faithfully,

Shapovalova L.M.
27.06.2004, 08:30
Hello, Denis. It is very a pity, that you so have categorically understood me. I did not recommend you to apply stimuljatoroy. And the calcium, a magnesium, vitamins and trace substances concern only health and have no attitude or relation to a set of weight, and at your age I urgently recommend them to apply. And in a powder it is quite possible to replace fiber good bifshteksom with a blood - at your age of advantage or benefit more.

28.06.2004, 14:28
From meat of harm it is much more now.

Shapovalova L.M.
29.06.2004, 18:03
From fiber in a powder of harm there is no also I about it or this did not write. Usually hydrolized (disassembled on separate amino acids) fiber sporsmenami is used before trainings - fast mastering. And in general in sports additives to like me fiber, and high enough maintenance or contents of carbohydrates.

30.06.2004, 06:39
About carbohydrates one I can tell or say - they in different additives in different quantities or amounts. For example in proteins their minimum as proteins are accepted between trainings. And here in gejnerah (before training) carbohydrates more that sufficed forces on intensive employment or occupation and on fast restoration. So it is necessary to pick up that is necessary simply. A choice big.
About bifshteksa it almost agree, however so much it or he needs to be not eaten how much for body height of mass of muscles at ektomorfa. Plus to it or this for a set of mass is many other more "valuable" products. White fowl, a fish, is a lot of only. And meat is more useful boiled. Or I am not right?:)
So listen to the doctor, Denis, and the main thing - go in for sports, sleep (8 hours a minimum) more and correctly eat. It is possible and on one cottage cheese (skim it is desirable) to grow or grow up not bad. But with proteins it is easier and it is absolutely safe for your health.