Просмотр полной версии : The doctor, at me constantly very acyanotic face, and in the spring I almost "white", as...

Svetlana, 23 years
25.06.2004, 08:32
The doctor, at me constantly very acyanotic face, and in the spring I almost "white" as my grandmother speaks, krovinki. Still the head is sometimes turned. With what it can be connected and how with it or this to struggle?

25.06.2004, 16:48
It can be connected with an anemia. Descend or go in an out-patient department and hand over the general or common analysis of a blood where its or her character will be found out and it will be possible to appoint or nominate treatment.

Lanj, the doctor-diagnostician
29.06.2004, 11:38
Svetlana, probably, you it is simple belokozhaja. But if there are complaints, certainly, first of all, it is necessary to check up a level of a hemoglobin in a blood, to measure AD.