Просмотр полной версии : Hello! To the son of 9 years, complained of onychalgias. Obratilisb to the doctor, sd...

26.06.2004, 15:39
Hello! To the son of 9 years, complained of onychalgias. Obratilisb to the doctor, have made biohim. The analysis of a blood, it has appeared a disadvantage of a calcium. Have registered kalitsy, but to buy it is necessary not in a drugstore, and in firm trading bioadditives. I respect with the doctor, with it or him the same to eat it would be desirable, but there have not gone. Has bought or purchased in a drugstore "Kaltsemin". Now on the Internet has read through advertising "Osteoforma", this preparation can be better? I shall be blagodrana to your opinion. Where to read through how much it is required vitamins B day? And more, kak-that in magazine printed quantity or amount of vitamins B different preparations, for itself has made vyod, what at the price of and to quality it is better "Oligovit", and you as think?

27.06.2004, 16:02
Hello Julia. Kaltsemin, is more reliable, t. To. It is a medicinal preparation, in 250 mg of a calcium in one tablet itself are guaranteed, with it or him clinical tests are spent, and he passes or takes place qualitative and kollichestvennyj the analysis before sale.
For prophylaxis of avitaminosis Oligovit approaches or suits very well, you have made a good choice. Yours faithfully.