Просмотр полной версии : Should address to Alexander. Do not compel or force me to apply power or force methods...

Shapovalova L.M.
24.06.2004, 15:23
Should address to Alexander. Do not compel or force me to apply power or force methods (moderirovanie). I recommend to visit or attend the psychotherapist (to check up itself on podverzhenost NLP), as quite reasonable reasonings premezhajutsja in your references with frank delirium and to visitors to conference (nonspecialists) should be difficultly in it or this understand.

Alexander d
25.06.2004, 17:52
Yes it would be an ideal output or exit for you. Because ahineju with yeast really for your reputation it is better to remove. From the point of view I do not see in the references any delirium (the offered schemes or plans are thought up not by me, and contain in " Metodich. The references approved or confirmed by Ministry of Health ", and in all our discussions in occasion of a calcium of hydroNatrii phosphas, yeast and natural vitamins I consider or count, that my point of view is correct unlike yours and coincides with opinion of leading experts in the field of additives and a delivery. Further scientific discussion has passed in a plane of insults and hints, that once again testifies to your delicacy, as expert. And in general smells slightly badly, any old from time to time, hints on an irresponsibility. In turn, unfortunately, I can not recommend to you the expert as and doctors from stagnancy and dishonourableness is not present a medicine.

Alexey Vladimirovich
25.06.2004, 21:08
Alexander, seems to me incorrect, as of you, and from L. M. SHapovalovoj of a message similar discussions at conference. If you not only are the distributor of company Vision, but also have specialization on job with biodobavkami-send the application to administration of a site with all requisites and replace the color with color vracha-the adviser. Then, at least, patients can choose from opinions of two experts. And to arrange razborki-kak-that it is strange, and does not add authority to arguing opponents. I too the doctor, "family" that am called, and too I have specialization for job with BAD, prichem-BAD the different companies and I consider or count, that at conference opinions of different sense have the right to sound provided that proceed really from practising doctors. By the way in occasion of the attitude or relation to BAD the certain companies of Century of Putin and Ministry of Health. You fine understand, that similar applications or statements with acknowledgement or confirmations in various press and various state programs, can give still, at least 6 7 companies. I-besides this or thus my subjective mnenie-the given conference should not serve half-its or half-his for manipulations with sick people from distributors of any companies.

Alexander d
26.06.2004, 00:32
To Alexey Vladimirovichu. The problem as I see it or her, the biassed attitude or relation of doctor Shapovalovoj L. to production of company VISION, it conducts to disinformation posetitelej-nonspecialists.
The reason she and has not named. All goes at a level this product should be here such and here such if does not satisfy Shapovalovoj L. 's to representations he bad. Nevertheless the majority of them diskussionny. I Have the right to defend the point of view, at us like the free country.
As to transition to persons it is valid does not decorate conference.

By the way about manipulations if you see the majority of questions goes, just iz-for these distributors. People are interested, here have recommended to-that and to-that, and it is really effective??? And how you believe that " the practising doctor ", the representative of other company will respond? How in general to be in this or thus complex or difficult moralno-an ethical situation???

Alexey Vladimirovich
27.06.2004, 04:28
I think, that it is possible to send, for example, people on corresponding or meeting sites of the companies, thus to leave the el. The address. And those whom will interest concrete preparations concrete kompanij-will address in the individual order. An another matter if the patient asks a question on preparation particularly appointed or nominated to him. In this case, I think, can and any doctor who has an operational experience with specified production should respond. And zdes-that also will be that freedom of speech, t. To. For the practical experience everyone can be charged. By the way, from my operational experience with BAD. Very few or A little;Little bit doctors is adherents of any one company. The majority work with 2 3, thus many not only are guided by business, but also on interests of the patient, t. To. ponimaete-will be rezultatov-will be clients. Therefore not all with foam at a mouth will far abuse someone from competitors as it it or him will not add authority. Advertising of the company is possible or probable only, but here - that and will operate or work algoritm-and welcome on a site, and there we shall talk. I am deeply convinced what to fall up to a level of cries " not pushchat " - a recognition of the nekompetentsii and disability to perceive the new information. And internal discussions we, doctors, especially can conduct on el. To mail. At the same doctor Shapovalovoj-el. The address is specified on its or her red link. Success.

Shapovalova L.M.
27.06.2004, 15:11
Once again I remind, that advertising on a site paid and to give data on firm and its or her production you can through " advertising on 03. ru ". And I for that and the authorized expert at this conference that it or her did not litter with advertising reports.