Просмотр полной версии : Hello, prompt please what preparation to remove or take off an allergy on ointment...

25.06.2004, 15:30
Hello, prompt please what preparation to remove or take off an allergy on ointment "Levomekol" - put on a finger after an abscess and has there and then gone ssyp, and now the doctor advises "Tavegilum" or "Dimedrolum". Whether "Dimedrolum" really helps or assists, what better and can is simple it is necessary to give an organism all this to overcome (ointment have there and then ceased to apply)? Thanks.

Rzheznikov M.V.
27.06.2004, 06:47
Hello, I would advise Zirtek or Klaritin, on 1 tb in day. Tavegilum and Dimedrolum antiallergic preparations, but with somnolent effect. And so, if especially does not disturb, it is possible to wait simply.