Просмотр полной версии : For my pregnancy I badly correct vesju to These or It;This labors)) will strongly become complicated..

25.06.2004, 23:13
For my pregnancy I badly correct vesju to These or It;This labors)) will strongly become complicated As to me to recover) better) you can give what advice or councils to me))

26.06.2004, 09:16
Know, the main thing that the fetus developed according to norms or rates. I for the pregnancy have typed or collected only 7 kg, though norm or rate - 10. And in occasion of that, what is it complicates labors - full delirium!!! The child cannot be fattened and most to be eaten off, it very badly and just eto-that and complicates labors! And at me on the contrary all has passed or has taken place superb, and the child has easily left, as was not fattened and at me forces have sufficed! (for that saw as those who has typed or collected on 15 20 kg suffer).
Success to you