Просмотр полной версии : Hello, wish to give ADVICE or COUNCIL HOW TO GROW thin he has helped or assisted me and all mine...

Irina, 27 years
21.06.2004, 16:04
Hello, wish to give ADVICE or COUNCIL HOW TO GROW thin he has helped or assisted me and all my friends! I shall begin with myself, I weighed 80 kg. There were very much greater or big problems and complexes. In one perfect day I have risen on balances and have understood, what is it a limit.
I have started to try or taste teas, tablets for growing thin, starvations. I shall tell or say to you, that - to mine it is nonsense and it is very unhealthy. Voobshchem, having studied or investigated tables of caloric content, any different clauses or articles about diets I have decided to operate or work with next way. A breakfast - coffee with skim milk (or without it or him), 2 slices of black bread with cheese. A dinner (are very important to have dinner about 2 days) - easy or light;mild green salad (100.), low-fat vegetable soup (any) 200., on the second if meat, with greens, if a fish it is possible and with a boiled potato (naturally the portion should be no more than 250 gr.). All this without bread. A supper not later than 18 - the skim yoghurt + an apple or a banana. Here there is one secret. Our organism has got used to that we in the evening plentifully eat, but it or he can be deceived. Yoghurt we pour out in a soup plate and in it or him we crumble fruit, fruit soup turns out.

22.06.2004, 02:38
Irina, I very much wish to grow thin, but personally it is very complex or difficult to me to adhere to such low-calorie diet long time. How you coped with arising feeling of famine? And how you have refused from sweet?

23.06.2004, 07:02
Skajite a posle togo, kak dostigli jelaemogo vesa kak Vi pitalis. Delo v tom chto mesac nazad y toje priderjivalas pochti takoe-je dieti i poxydela na 7 kg. no seychas y ne mogy obyzdat svoe appetit i za nedely vernylas k svoemy vesy.

24.06.2004, 13:05
In occasion of that as I do not type or collect back the weight I can tell or say only that I already subconsciously consider or count the eaten calories and probably to it or this have got used. But now I do not adhere to this diet, simply I try to not overeat (but restrictions in products for me are not present). Concerning arising feeling of famine I shall advise some ways which have helped or assisted me and my friends (though can be they and will seem a little bit strange). You present mentally yourselves what now and then such what you wish to become, and represent yourself in budujushchem beautiful, in fashionable orders to covering, harmonous, represent, what make impression upon men (especially on liked), it is possible to look through fashion magazines, something for yourself to pick up on budujushchee, at the same time look or see at the tightened models. Basically after that is it would not be desirable any more. And if you have already grown thin, and consider or count what more to restrain in meal it is not necessary, I recommend to recollect myself before and all negative that at you with it or this has been connected. And more, the feeling of famine pursues the first 4 5 days of a diet, then an organism gets used to a regimen and is simply it would not be desirable. About sweet I can tell or say, that I use saharozamenitel and I eat fruit.