Просмотр полной версии : problemma with kidneys (it almost a detective!) has arisen simultaneously at me and at...

22.06.2004, 20:34
problemma with kidneys (it almost a detective!) has arisen simultaneously at me and at mum (signs are identical), vsvjazi that kv-re long term lived in ours g-n N which (apparently) on a regular basis added to us in spring water (he always drank water only from under the cock) something, as has put or rendered oshchutimyj impact on ours with mum to kidneys. The core simtomom was the speeded up emiction (up to 4-5 time for a night though in second half of day already staraeshsja nothing to drink), sensation that kidneys (up to it or this we at all did not know where they are) hurt, the impossibility deeply to sigh - a wild pain in kidneys. With leaving or care from us g-on N - obvious improvement, has disappeared the speeded up emiction, the general or common has improved samochustvie. But at a small frigorism (or a glass of red wine) we begin " chustvovat kidneys ", tazhe reaction to a deep inspiration.
Proceeding from the aforesaid, nemogli you to share the assumptions:
1. What character of a lesion of kidneys? (Possibly)
2. What degree of a lesion of kidneys? (Approximately)
3. Than it (most possibly) us poisoned or persecuted?
P. S. You would advise us to apply what agents of national medicine? stol222@mail. ru

Zholudev A.A.
24.06.2004, 09:46
To you enobhodimo to address to vrachu-to the therapist, to hand over analyses of a blood and urine and to make US of kidneys.