Просмотр полной версии : I live in zagazovannom city, at my girl a bronchitis. As it is possible for her to help or assist izl...

20.05.2004, 04:30
I live in zagazovannom city, at my girl a bronchitis. As it is possible for her to help or assist to recover.

23.05.2004, 09:35
There are household filters. Staviti in an apartment - cleans air. Is better electrolux it is possible our domestic last time bought on VDNH in povelene health.

23.05.2004, 15:19
Household filters for gas do not help or assist is better to do or make tight plastic windows - with an extract - similarly to an aspirator - with probulkivaniem air through r-r diabrotic natra besieges limiting and arom hydrocarbons (the most important kantsero genes)

24.05.2004, 20:31
It is necessary dobavt in a food allowance natural vitaminno-mineral complexes which will help or assist to solve a problem with a bronchitis. What write I shall respond irinavin@mtu-net. ru

27.05.2004, 00:35
Thanks everything, but all this not the decision for full treatment, her all is worse and worse.

29.05.2004, 00:40
portvein777, whether it is possible to learn or find out more in detail:)

vika to portvein777
01.06.2004, 13:42
And from what pores at us alkali reacts with limiting UV? And still limiting UV - the most important carcinogen - pisets...

portvein777 to vika
04.06.2004, 12:30
It is not necessary dear to do or make clever faces at approbation of air - as a reagent in water add diabrotic natr (on fenol-a formic aldehyde) differently they Quickly decay - while will inform assay in laboratory as one communicate or are bound - mene does not concern or touch as to carcinogens - sm mene below

vika to Portvein777
08.06.2004, 19:04
Aha both Phenolum and a formic aldehyde have what attitude or relation to limiting hydrocarbons? You forgive or excuse, chemistry organic is similar even at a level of bases do not know, and there:)

portvein777 to vika
10.06.2004, 06:06
You dear will not listen to the end - and climb with rebuffs more in detail I of one only gas assays in due time has collected 1000 2000 (not including the analysis in situ ekspress-an type of an interferometer) as have shown My researches nelzja to distinguish in gazovovozdushnoj admixtures only a methane or only Phenolum they - from Different zagrjaznitelej go In common in an ideal each source emaniruet the kaki I napr has successfully divided or undressed pollution in astrahani (local anomalies - which spoil chemists (a factory) and kotor fighters (air station) - on a set Limiting spoil and Aromatic uglevorodov) ento has gone to any report - toko without my surname I hurry to calm natives - there one of the most good about dispensaries (amazed or struck mene praised - both the personnel and treatment) Is impossible to take 1 substance and to look - as it influences an organism is not present such in the nature however orghimikam it or this to not understand and me - as analytics is necessary these chemists on pure or clean water to deduce or remove - to do or make control assays to be cut into a technique to arrange Scandal - when kontr assay does not fight on the order both td and tp you though one geochemical assay in a life took or ljalja

portvein777 to vika
13.06.2004, 00:56
Finishing or Stopping I finish on it or this you have angered mene in occasion of diabrotic kali natra - open napr - a management or manual under the control harmful v-in in air the slave to a zone (m chemistry 1991) on 25 str - - and look or see on sootv reagents further - - ogr chemistry - et you are right - I pass or take place a little though passed or took place both fizhimiju and anal and the general or common and uranium yes toko poshti all has forgotten it does not mean that it is possible for Me for any polychemists to confuse brains in occasion of Printsuipialnogo spicha - say arom hydrocarbons are harmless - - I recommend certain monochemists to esteem effect pfffefera (mechnikova) and then to go - to make uzi org a small basin for a free liquid (sincerely grju) here then I and I shall be dared diksi

vika for portvein777
13.06.2004, 12:21
I to a word analitik-the ecologist - therefore arrival about organikov not on business (it is simply similar me base courses read better or were acquired they better?).
I start with the citation "... Household filters for gas do not help or assist is better to do or make tight plastic windows - with an extract - similarly to an aspirator - with probulkivaniem air through r-r diabrotic natra besieges limiting and arom hydrocarbons (the most important carcinogens)... "
That is you recommend the nonspecialist to use for catching limiting hydrocarbons a solution diabrotic natra. Once again I repeat - diabrotic natr does not react with limiting UV and consequently cannot besiege them. About cancerogenic effect predelshchiny - besides you are mistaken.
That you have selected that more than 1000 assays to what except for your diligence does not testify. In the decent organizations probootborom people of qualification of laboratory assistants are engaged. US of organs of a small basin I do or make yearly - any " a free liquid " there pochemu-that is not revealed - though I live not in most ecologically pure or clean district of our Native land.
More all me is revolted with your advice or councils to people who are not experts and accordingly not in a status to check up the validity or lozhnost your statements.
And your reasonings in a topic below about that that poisonings with Hydrargyrum is not necessary are afraid - are simply ridiculous.

15.06.2004, 11:33
test (-)

portvein777 to vika
17.06.2004, 21:04

The cook
20.06.2004, 05:13
portvein777, aha, I see, that is (-). .skezh, I here chew smoked bacon with shmatom breads, it kantser so I am doomed?

22.06.2004, 22:41
I in marriage for Iljunku go, help or assist, it is harmlessly pure or clean or how?