Просмотр полной версии : Hello! The request to respond the expert! Why I get fat? I eat one ovo...

The thin fatty
20.06.2004, 16:28
The request to respond the expert!
Why I get fat? I eat one vegetables, and not plates, and basins but how speak from vegetables do not get fat, what occurs or happens in my case?

Michael Romanovich
22.06.2004, 07:04
You will not grow thin only that eat one vegetables. The question should be solved in a complex. The organism types or collects weight if acts energies more, than he spends. Accordingly surpluses are postponed in the form of Adeps. And on the contrary, the organism does not receive in the same vrmeja some many necessary vitamins and minerals, that negatively affects your state of health. Your organism - completely independent self-adjusted or self-regulated system. And you can help or assist to adjust to him weight of a body. For this purpose there are different variants. It is possible to drink 2 times a tasty or delicious cocktail + 3 times tabletizirovannye grasses. And there were unique chocolates for growing thin! You eat them - and GROW thin! So it is a lot of variants. It is particularly necessary to talk personally. Write.
agency2001@yandex. ru