Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! Respond, please. If there is a stone in a cholic bubble...

Gorshkovu D.J.
21.06.2004, 13:37
The dear doctor! Respond, please. If there is a stone in a cholic bubble, whether he will increase or be enlarged at keeping a diet, fitolechenii? Whether It is possible to dissolve, shatter and deduce or remove it or him without operation? Advise, pliz how to avoid knife and narcosis (there was an attack, but shchas status stable) - person of 40 years, he earlier has transferred or carried an infarct. One my friend its or her DOCTOR kogda-has advised to eat that in day of 3 ossicles or bonelets from olives that the stone was splitted up. It is serious or...? And more a question: at ZHKB cholagogue agents are appointed or nominated? It can spravotsirovat movement of a stone? As you
Consider or Count, whether it is necessary to drink grasses (whether corn ryltsa give the necessary effect, considering, what at the person also edemas?)? And how you concern to national prescriptions - an olive oil with citric or grejpfrutovym juice? And if to remove a cholic bubble, whether there will be serious problems with digestion all remained life? In advance thanks for the answer.

Gorshkov D.J.
21.06.2004, 17:46
Hello. Augmentation of a stone probably even in case of keeping a diet and a phytotherapy though and it is less probable. Certainly, there is a set of ways to do without operation, however not always. It is possible to dissolve a stone (litolizis). But this method is effective only approximately at 20 % of patients t. To. The preparations applied for lizisa of stones (series UDHK) are effective only at dissolution of the stones consisting mainly from a cholesterin. And at the majority of patients concrements mixed also contain still and a bilirubin, various salts, etc. there Is a method of crushing of stones (lithotripsy). However he is applied only under condition of, it is not a lot of stones, they borrow or occupy less than 1/2 cholic bubbles and not kaltsinirovany, and also functions of a cholic bubble are not broken or disturbed. Well and a radical method of treatment ZHKB - a cholecystectomia - excision of a cholic bubble. Operation not complex or difficult, a lethality at its or her carrying out scanty. But the so-called postcholecystectomy syndrome develops. This status which arises after excision of a cholic bubble. It is expressed in disturbance of digestion iz-for insufficient enterings of bile in a lumen of an intestine. As a result of disturbance of digestion the absorption of some nutrients - for example, Adepses and liposoluble vitamins worsens. It can be shown by rumbling in a stomach or belly, a meteorism (the raised or increased aerogenesis), occurrence in a chair of the undigested rests of nutrition. At keeping a diet, reception of vitamins and ferment or enzymatic preparations (for example, mezima) the mentioned phenomena decrease. About ossicles or bonelets of olives, yes, really is such a method. Anyway will not be worse from them. Personally I concern to grasses and national medicine negatively, but this my personal opinion.