Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor. I am am disturbed frequent recently with deaf or indistinct pains...

16.06.2004, 14:48
Hello, the doctor.
I am am disturbed frequent recently with deaf or indistinct pains of joints (both knee, and ulnar and neznaju how correctly to name - fingers), they do not disturb strongly, but as at the grandmother (maminoj mums) and at mum rhematoid poliatrit I began to worry.
Prompt, please, what analyses for the diagnosis and that it is possible to make are necessary.
And time has addressed to you, prompt still, what it is possible to make with very strong and frequent headaches?
And more the third vopros-at mum as I have already written - rhematoid poliatrit, she hardly moves, drinks hormonal tablets and to her sechas have offered production tjan-shi, any additives and chaj-speak that will help or assist 100. And you as consider or count.

Zholudev A.A.
18.06.2004, 06:38
It is necessary for you to address to artrologu or to the rheumatologist. Products tjan-shi are unfamiliar to me.